Avoiding INT
NCAA rules
I'm in "C", R1 on 3B, foul fly ball near 3B, R1, returning to 3B, tangles with F5, INT.
Later, coach says, "I understand why you had to call her out, but what am I supposed to teach them in that situation?"
I say, "standing on the base is the safe place to be; as long as she does nothing intentional while on the bag, she won't be called for INT"
PU comes up to me later to inform me that's not correct, she absolutely has to vacate the area so a fielder can field the ball. "If she wants to drop to the ground & keep a finger on the bag, that's fine, but she can't get in the way."
First time working with my partner, no sense in arguing (I didn't know the chapter & verse to quote him) so I let the conversation end there.
I'm new to NCAA. Does 12.6.2 apply here?
Last edited by jmkupka; Sat Apr 04, 2015 at 11:57pm.