Thu Apr 02, 2015, 12:56pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by jodibuck
This was the discussion I had with my base umpire between innings in a high school varsity game yesterday: Question: "Are you seeing a crow hop or leap by the pitcher"; Answer: "Yes, but the base coach has not said anything about it, and I'm not calling it until she says something".
Where in the rules book does it say that we only call illegal pitches after an offensive coach has requested it? I've heard it said in many umpire meetings that we don't want to put any "doo doo" in the game, so if the base coach does not bring it to your attention, don't call the illegal pitch.
Is this a common practice in all areas? I know when playoffs begin, illegal pitches begin to be called. In my opinion, this is unfair to the young ladies who have been pitching a certain way all season, and now, when the games are the most important, we are calling these same pitching motions illegal.
If a coach has a pitcher that does the same thing there won't be a request to enforce the rule.
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong