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Old Mon Jul 21, 2003, 02:35pm
JMN JMN is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 296

Welcome. I commend you for stepping up when others haven't/won't. Surprised the local officials association doesn't supply officials. Maybe it's a money thing.

First off, officiating is not something you'll learn in a weekend or even a season or two.

To get started, you need to get some rule and case books and start studying the rules. You will be best served by connecting with a local officials association.

Then come the mechanics. These are the positions and actions on the field so that you are in the right position to cover the play. Also, you need to learn your responsibilities for each position and the proper way to communicate with fellow officials, players, coaches.

Most of this learning occurs through experience and with the help of existing officials. And, the guys on this forum are a fantastic resource. Most of us remember what it was like that first year and also feel obligated to give something back to the game and those that follow.

There is a ton to learn, but officiating is kinda like eating potato chips (read as "Snickers" for umpires), you can't eat just one.....

Best of luck!
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