Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Now for the correct answer
If you were not the umpire who ruled the OBS, you call the play that unfolds in front of you. If the runner was out, you call the out. At that point, the ball is dead and you and your partner talk and apply any ruling necessary. Do NOT assume you know your partner's call.
If you were the umpire who ruled the OBS and the runner had not reached the base to which s/he was protected, call "dead ball", announce the violation and award.
So, in your 1st scenario, there will be 2 calls. After PU calls "out" at the plate, BU (probably in shallow C position after following the sole runner around) immediately calls "dead ball". Does he call his partner together to discuss what he has, or make a general announcement, "I have her obstructed rounding 1st, and protected to home"