Originally Posted by CecilOne
The rules actually now say ""Meets NOCSAE standard at the time manufacture"" for the batting helmet face mask.
“ART. 6 . . . All fast-pitch batting helmets shall be equipped with a NOCSAE approved face protector. The phrase, "Meets NOCSAE Standard at the time of manufacture" must be permanently affixed to the face protector.”
That apparently only applies to 2015 manufacturing, but how do we tell when manufactured and does "manufactured" mean mask fabricating or mask attachment to the helmet? 
Sounds like a liability limitation phrase to me.
On the larger topic, I suspect it would be pretty hard to buy non-approved face masks this far removed from the rule change requiring NOCSAE approval, and most of the pre-approval masks would have already been booted from so many games I can't imagine why a team or player would keep them around.
Yeah, we're obligated to look for the stamp, but the issue is largely moot at this point.