Originally Posted by rockyroad
When this is pregamed, I always tell my partners that I am not coming in with "help". If they have a question or want information, they can ask and I will come to them - but I do not run in there like that. I also tell them that if I have information, I will step to where we can see each other and give them a nice big smile - they can then ask for my info or not. It's up to him/her.
And I tell my partner(s) in pre-game, "You will have several calls in this game in which I won't know what you call until you give your on-site signals, because I'll be off-ball."
It's rare that I have info that will be helpful, on an OOB call, only such as a long pass that may come from my area into theirs, with a tip right off the hand of the player in my area.