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Old Mon Mar 23, 2015, 07:01am
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Well, hell, if you say so it must be true. D'oh!

There is nothing wrong with the question. IMO, it is pretty straight forward question that actually makes an umpire think instead of just looking for key words in a book.

Seems to me that would be something you would support as much as you rail against umpires you believe to be clones.
What I support are clear rule questions that are supported by rule and conform to proper use of the English language.

Obviously, one answer is better than the others because the others can't be true. My analogy is accurate and to the point. It's a bad question. They could have just said, "In order for a helmet to be considered legal, it must have..."
Kill the Clones. Let God sort them out.
No one likes an OOJ (Over-officious jerk).
Realistic officiating does the sport good.
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