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Old Fri Jul 18, 2003, 04:51pm
shipwreck shipwreck is offline
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I was working an ASA District game the other day and this play occured. A sinking liner towards right center field. I am BU and go out to look for a catch. The right fielder goes out, and to her right. She reaches her left hand out and snags the ball but then rolls to the ground and rolls on top of her glove. While the glove and ball were both visible to me, the ball was in her glove and not with the open part of her glove down. It took her a little while to COME UP with the ball to show me. I couldn't get to the back side of her in time to find if she had indeed caught the ball. I ruled a catch, and of course we had one elated coach and one irate coach. Did I rule correctly or since it took a little while to produce the ball, did I screw up?
P.S. Just a little side bar. After the inning ended and she was congratulated by the other players and after some laughter and a "GOOD JOB that away to go" and some more laughter, I believed she probably did in fact drop the ball.
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