Originally Posted by EsqUmp
If the runner is tearing ass around 3rd base to have this play at the plate, there is no play at 3rd base and any experienced umpire can read that. If you want to argue that she could have stopped and gone back, then the plate umpire has substantially more time to adjust to that than a runner going full speed, non-stop, attempting to score.
I'm also not convinced that there was a subsequent play at home plate after the plate umpire had to rule on a play at 3rd base. Doesn't make sense here.
Who said anything about a runner tearing ass around 3B? And yes, any decent umpire should be able to read that, but from what is being offered in he snapshots, we do not know what the situation was. And even if a runner is rounding 3B, you've never seen the defense throw behind a runner? I have and it often gets the runner hung up in a rundown. Of course, now I'm adding to the scenario and assuming the players know how to play in this manner