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Old Tue Mar 10, 2015, 10:25pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Both Zoochy and Camron have posted that this IAABO ruling is wrong and has no justification in the current NFHS rules.

Let's get to the crux of this. Peter Webb was obviously asked about the situation, and remembering the old rule from the 1990s, answered without checking the current text. Since the NFHS didn't reinstate the old rule, Peter Webb's answer at the beginning of this season was wrong. He is now embarrassed about that and his ego won't permit him to admit the mistake.

Bank on this: Peter Webb will force a rule change or editorial change for next season to reinstate the old rule making this a FT violation.

Sadly, people such as Mr. Webb cannot accept that things have changed and are no longer the way they were back when he officiated. He needs to retire and step completely away from the HS game. Otherwise what we see is a cranky, old man insisting that he is right.
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