Tue Mar 10, 2015, 01:17am
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally Posted by Freddy
When an official at lead sells the heck out of his block/charge call by banging his fists against and thrusting his hips repeatedly like a rooster chicken having $e% on the court, that typically means he didn't see the legal guarding position of the secondary defender because he was ballwatching and focusing on the dribbler instead of the defender and had to try to overcome the fact that he missed it, had to guess, and therefore defaulted to a block.
OK, not always. But a lot.
Other than that poor excuse for having to sell a call, I deem that there are times when selling a call is genuinely necessary and correct. Not to draw undue attention to the official, but to convey confidence and certainty on a call that, to the untrained eye of a subjective fan, could have gone the other way.
When an official gently puts his hands on his hips, it doesn't give me much confidence, either.