Originally Posted by MechanicGuy
Glad I wasn't on that game.....and it seems it was 2-man too
Yikes. That's a long way to go for the trail to make that call, no?
It was, but 3-person really wouldn't have helped if the last shot belongs to the official opposite the table as is the case in some mechanics systems, including NFHS. It would have still been on the trial and he would have still been coming from as far away.
Instead, the T, coming from so far away, should have obtained input from the Lead (or both the Lead and Center if it had been a 3-person game) rather than make the call on the run.
I think it would be better on short-clock situations starting in the backcourt for L to take it (or the C in a 3 person game) regardless of which side of the court they are on. The C, in a 3-person game, is a lot more likely to be in a good position to make the call on such length-of-court plays.