Thread: Obstruction?
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Old Fri Jul 18, 2003, 06:42am
18597 18597 is offline
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Panda Bear:

quoting from the POE in June Issue of "Between the Lines"

1-52 Obstruction (FP &SP)
Obstruction rule remains the same as previous years but adds a new section:

A player with the ball could cause obstruction by pushing a runner off base or impeding the progress of a runner while not in the act of making a play on a runner.

Play: R2 is running behind F6 to avoid interfering with F6 whom has just fielded the ball. F6 cannot tag R2 so he sticks his leg back tripping R2.

Rule: Obstruction is called. This is normally a delayed dead ball but in this case, the umpire would call "Time" as soon as F6 tags the fallen runner. Award R2 the base you felt he would have achieved if no obstruction. Give a warning to F6 for the trip. If R2 is injured an ejection could take place.

Play: F4 is late getting a tag on R2. While on the base F4 pushes R2 off the base and applies the tag.

Rule: Call obstruction and "Time" immediately. Keep R2 at second base. Warn F4 if the push is flagrant.
Matt -- Ottawa Blue
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