I umped a womens game last week where the batter hit the ball to RC. The RF, only 9 players in the field, got to the ball and threw one wild into the infield. The batter had originally stayed at first base as the RF got to the ball quickly, but when she saw the ball not going directly to 2B, she ran for second. The SS, who is a very good player, went and caught the ball on a fly between 1B and 2B and caught the ball in the baseline. I was at the picthers mound at this time. The batter-runner saw the girl catch the ball as she wasn't expecting her to be there and clearly jumped to the outfield side of the infield out of the reach of the SS. I called her out for being out the baseline. I got alot of grief for that call. My question, after that long story is, what is the actual baseline? Is it the width of the base down to each other in a line? Is it 6 feet wide? This is my first year as an umpire after playing for 16 years and you always think you have seen it all, but that is not the case as I ump from week to week.