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Old Mon Mar 02, 2015, 02:21pm
Linknblue Linknblue is offline
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Senior Slow Pitch Pitching Rule

In looking for "Umpire tips" for our in house umpires I was reading the rules (ASA's) for senior slowpitch pitching. Here is some captions from the book under "Pitching Regulations - Slow Pitch". Something I didn't realize. Or of course, am I interpreting correctly?

Under Section 1 - Preliminaries
(Seniors) The pitcher may take a position from the front edge of the pitcher's plate to six feet behind the pitcher's plate within the 24 inch width of the pitcher's plate and with both feet firmly on the ground.
Effect: Delayed Dead Ball, Illegal Pitch

My interpretation is "Anywhere within the box as long as both feet are within it".

Under Section 2 - Starting the Pitch
Pitch starts when the pitcher makes any motion with the ball after the one second stop. While on the pitchers plate prior to the required stop, any motion may be used.

My interpretation is "Pitcher has to be on the pitcher's plate". Any motion does not mean he can walk from the back of the box to the plate and pitch. He has to stop on the plate for a second and then pitch.

Under Section 3 - Legal Delivery
The pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitcher's plate until the pitched ball leaves the hand.

My interpretation is "Pitcher can step sideways outside of the box or the 24" width of the plate during the delivery but pivot foot must remain on the pitcher's plate during delivery.

All this being said, why the six foot box if the pitcher must be on the pitcher's plate to pitch? Wasn't the box added to give the "old" guys more room to react to balls up the middle? They can pitch from six feet further back because of the box. It's what I've been told. A safety issue.

Am I wrong?
Wish I'da umped before I played. What a difference it would'a made!
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