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Old Sun Mar 01, 2015, 08:25pm
UmpireErnie UmpireErnie is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 359
ASA 8-7-P cant apply to BR running on Ball 3 as this rule is for "runners who have scored or been put out". This offensive player is still just a batter, and has not committed INT simply by not knowing the count and running on ball three, shame on F2 for attempting to throw out the batter (not a runner or batter-runner) at 2B.

The defense has to know the count and the situation. As others have stated I will announce "That was ball three!" if I see batter run on ball three but unless i do it so forcefully as to bring play to a stop more often than not these announcements usually go unnoticed. I would not have INT here absent some other obvious action by the count confused batter such as her kicking the ball away from a defensive player or some such.
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