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Old Sun Mar 01, 2015, 07:52pm
UmpireErnie UmpireErnie is offline
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Posts: 359
Re the OBS at or prior to 1B.

The umpire must make a judgement as to both where the OBS occurred and how far the runner or batter/runner will be protected.

If a fielder clearly obstructs the BR prior to 1B the the insofar as the "cannot be put out between the two bases where she was obstructed.." part of the rule is concerned she cannot be putout between HP and 1B. However the umpire may also judge that while the OBS was between HP and 1B the batter/runner would have likely reached 2B sans the OBS and in that case the protection under 8-4-3-b would still apply.

But I think it's a stretch to say that OBS which clearly happens between HP and 1B and causes the BR to round 1B wide qualifies as OBS between 1B and 2B. Ponder this: batter hits sharp grounder to F6 which skips off her glove. She chases the ball down behind and on F6 side of 2B as BR scampers to 1B inside the foul line. F3 playing a couple of feet in front of 1B and near the foul line causes BR to alter her path into foul ground. U1 signals OBS. BR touches 1B and awkwardly rounds the bag. 1B off coach sees DDB signal and tells BR (now a Runner) to try for 2B. Runner makes very futile effort and slides into waiting tag of F4. Unless judged at time of OBS that BR would have likely reached 2B I have an out here even if BR rounded wide because the OBS happened between home and 1B.

If the OBS is caused by fielder being right at 1B without the ball then I judge that to be occurring between 1B and 2B and protect accordingly.
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