Thread: Shoe advice
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Old Wed Feb 25, 2015, 12:44pm
Archie Lib Archie Lib is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Posts: 18
I've tried the 3N2 and did not like them. They came with a package deal from Smitteez. I wore them once and that was it. They are not well made, as the price would suggest. They're basically plastic patent leather shells with styrofoam bottoms. They now rest in my garage.

I've run distance and done Crossfit for the last several years in minimalist shoes, so that is what I am used to. I am not a fan of the heavily cushioned running shoes like the Zigs or NB. I found the minimalist style avoids chronic impact problems in knees and the lower back by eliminating heel strike running, and has the added advantage of strengthening the ankle and the arch. But it is tough to find all-black minimalist shoes for officiating work.

I ended up on Nike's main website and customized a pair of their Flyknit 4.0s to all black. I believe Reebok has the same kind of option with some of their running shoes. There is no "patent leather" shine to any of them, but in flat black they look sharp and are very comfortable. Many times I've worked 3 games in an evening with zero complaints. A couple of my co-workers (including my association supervisor/assignor) ended up getting a pair for D-1 games.