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Old Mon Feb 23, 2015, 05:34pm
CT1 CT1 is offline
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Originally Posted by KWH View Post
With all due respect CT1, I disagree!
1) Making it a live ball foul and providing a tack-on option, (as you suggest) would then also include the option to re-kick!
Because of the option to re-kick, I would not expect the NFHS to change.
That's true. But I believe that, unless R is downed inside his red zone, very few rekicks will happen. (I don't expect NFHS to change either!)

2) If, as you suggest, most K players are well down field and much contact has occurred by the time the whistle blows then I suggest either the R (K had less than 4 on either side of the kicker), or the B (someone on K other than the player that went back more than 5 yards kicked the ball), or the H (K encroached) or the L (R encroached) One of these guys is guilty of being slow on the whistle.
Pre-Game who blows the whistle to shut it down and get on the whistle.
I agree that the whistle should come as soon as possible. But there's still some lag time between "Hey, he can't do that!" and *TWEET* and "Uh-oh, I better pull up" reactions.

Remember, most of the K and R players are only 10 yards apart.
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