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Old Wed Jul 16, 2003, 11:26pm
chris s chris s is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 508
Smile it sucks....

Originally posted by nyblue20
Hey all..its been a while since I have posted on this site.. but I had a situation last night that I thought I would see how you all felt.

American Legion Baseball, I am the plate man.. game is going along smoothly.. that is until I took a foul ball directly to my cup.. but that's another story.

Anyways, visitors were up 3-0 at one point.. home team finally ties the game, we go into extra innings.

8th Inning both teams had a chance to win.. but failed to score a run.

Top of 9, 2 outs runner in scoring position, #2 batter (who already went deep) up to bat. This kid was one of the biggest plate crowders I have seen, and I had been keeping an especially close eye on his front foot all game because he was so far up in the box. Anyways I have a 3-2 count. Pitch comes in on the inner half of the plate, belt high. Player kind of jumps out of the way because of how much he is over the plate. I call strike three.. half inning over.
As I am walking up the 1st base line, I hear this kid yell on the top of his lungs as he approaches the 3rd base dugout the F bomb... I immediately eject the player for the use of the language...

Now here is the twist.. this dropped their lineup down to 8 players.. all subs were in the game..
Coach comes to me.. wants me to un-eject the player.. I tell him I can't do that, and using that langauge on the field.. is automatic... I then pull out my line-up card and saw that they still had one sub that wasn't in the game yet.. unfortunately that sub never showed up for the game..
they had to forfeit because of the ejection.

I hated seeing the game end that way.. because it was such a well played game.. with no issues all night.. however.. I knew that the ejection was warrented.. I just thought I would try to get your input... Thanks!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
But it had to be done, been there...done that. We don't have legion ball here, but I know that PONY rules allow "the player last removed from the lineup" to enter the game in this case..keeps the forfiet from happening and some of the flack off the ump. Also, what ya gonna do, check the card to see if the offending team has someone available before you eject??? I don't think so!!! Bet he keeps his yapper shut next time, if skipper hasn't already chewed him up......
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