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Old Sun Feb 22, 2015, 01:19am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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1. He blocks the ball, but the follow through to the face is not allowed and is not incidental.

2. The secondary defender definitely arrived in time, but it seems that most of the contact comes from his teammate who was the primary defender. I don't believe that the offensive player crashed the defender. Strange looking play.

3. Sadly, this was not a double whistle. This was Jamie Luckie deciding to call a foul AFTER his partner had whistled AND signaled a travel. There are plenty of bodies in the way, but from my review of the video it does not appear that the Georgia player rolled up on the rear foot of the player with the ball. He probably did make some contact with it. It seems that he was already off balance and falling before any contact with that rear foot. I prefer the travel call by the primary official. I also can't defend Luckie making a call well after his partner and then running in and taking it. To me that's not helping a partner that's overriding his decision. I also don't believe that he has a clear look from 40 feet away through three other players.
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