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Old Wed Feb 18, 2015, 09:07am
BigCat BigCat is offline
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Originally Posted by JeffM View Post
I suppose I'm not envisioning how someone could be standing on two feet and then fall to the floor without having established a pivot first. I can picture someone gaining possession of the ball mid-air and then landing on the floor without either foot touching the floor.
Your right..when a person holding the ball starts to fall one foot is likely to move or come up first making the other the pivot. Then the fall and the pivot foot is not held. As NCAA notes in ar 198-falling to floor and keeping pivot foot "virtually impossible."

I've seen a player have two feet down for an instant, no pivot foot ESTABLISHED yet, both feet then fly out in front of him, he goes down with ball. Jump stop play. He was leaning back when he landed on two feet. He never established pivot foot but it is travel under rules and case book plays. That is travel because although the right or left foot was never established as THE of them was and it moved. (we talked about this some weeks ago in connection with player jumping in air before establishing pivot foot and then dribbling...there's a case play that talks about having a pivot foot even though you dont have it "established" yet--4.44.3B.

Last edited by BigCat; Wed Feb 18, 2015 at 11:06am.
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