Thread: Blarge
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 13, 2015, 02:52am
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
Couple of things. First of all, most of the people here said they didn't care what her opinion was, and she did say to check and see how your state wants this handled. Second, it seems to me that the case play answers the questions in the OP. Does the basket count? Who gets the throw-in? Why does it need to mean anything else? What she already said, for those who did want her opinion, is that it doesn't mean you EVER must report a double foul, whether signals were made or not. In fact, as mentioned above, she strongly discouraged doing so.
1. I am sure people here do care what her opinion but need to hear from her in an official capacity before they are willing to change. I think that is totally fair.

2. I know she said to check with my state how they want this handled and my state said they wanted it handled by the book. Thus, we are back to square one regarding what the case play actually means.

3. No matter what you think, Theresa's email to you does not constitute canon across the National Federation. I don't give a crap which way we go, but in order to shift from the traditionally held view of going double foul we are going to need clear, specific language in the rulebook or a national memo that tells us to change. Until then you are going to be the only one pining for this understanding of the case play.