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Old Thu Feb 12, 2015, 05:09pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Colour My World (Chicago, 1970) ...

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I wish the NF would just allow players to wear whatever they wish as long as it is a solid color. Who cares if they match or not.
I officiated a preseason scrimmage in which the players wore scrimmage jerseys, white for home, and red for visitors, with many players wearing multiple color undershirts underneath their jerseys. Because it was a scrimmage, we didn't enforce the undershirt color rule. Rebounding fouls, and out of bounds calls under the basket, that would usually be very easy, became a slight challenge. When you've got few big kids reaching for a rebound, some with a white jersey and a red undershirt, some with a red jersey and a white undershirt, some with a white jersey and a white undershirt, and some with a red jersey and a red undershirt, simple calls became more difficult, not a lot more difficult, but still, more difficult.

I believe that the NFHS is right to have color rules for equipment, and uniforms, but only from the waist up. I really don't care what the players are wearing from the waist down, with the only possible exceptions being a kicked ball out of a crowd, or an out of bounds call from a crowd off a player's leg, but we don't get too many of those.
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