Originally Posted by APG
I agree with this stance...the standard of ignoring dead ball contact unless it would be an intentional or flagrant personal foul deals with contact that can/does during the immediate action after the ball is dead.
I don't think you can literally apply that standard for situations that are well after the play....and honestly, I don't know many officials that would. What is considered excessive has to be in the context of the situation in the game. Slapping down and hitting a player on the wrist while he's holding the ball...personal foul during a live ball. If he does the same thing five seconds after the ball is dead due to a whistle? That's excessive in the context of the game and deserves a T.
Agree 100% ... but for the sake of further discussion ...
If you give a T for slapping the ball out of an opponents hands 5 seconds after the whistle, could you not have a double Technical for since the other player clearly failed to "immediately pass the ball to the nearer official when a whistle blows".