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Old Wed Feb 11, 2015, 10:28am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Eastshire View Post
No, we're supposed to apply the rules. BNR is ignoring the rules book definition of "intentional" and instead using it's common definition in order to justify Ts that aren't justified under the rules.

You cannot give a T because you don't like someone or their actions. They must actually commit an act that is punishable, by rule, with a technical foul.
The rule for HS reads:

10-3 ART. 7
A player shall not:

Intentionally or flagrantly contacting an opponent when the ball is dead and such contact is not a personal foul.

Nowhere does that rule say that "Intentionally" is defined as the same contact that constitutes an Intentional foul.

But to play your "BNR is ignoring the rule" game, one definition of an Intentional foul is:

b. Contact away from the ball with an opponent who is clearly not involved with a play.

Once the ball is dead, the player contacted is obviously not involved in any play of any kind, so that contact can be deemed Intentional in my book.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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