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Old Tue Jul 15, 2003, 02:39pm
Bainer Bainer is offline
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I had a spun mask too- the problem with mine was that when it whipped around, the ear caught me in the corner of my mouth and knocked out two teeth and chipped another.

The worst one I had though was during a Semi-Pro game where the benches cleared. I was trying to get out of the melee and away to safety, when the cloud of people beared down on me, and knocked me over (it was completely innocent- the PILE was moving independently at that point- no one had control of it!). So I go down, with half the team on tripping over me. This pretty much ended the scuffle, so we all got up...except for me- sprained knee. Doc's said it was really close to tearing something. Crutches for 2 weeks. Missed Provincials!

"I am a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class...Especially since I rule!"
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