Originally Posted by frezer11
If I were a coach or player and knew something was wrong, of course I'd say so at the time, but if I don't see it, I don't think that means I've forfeited my right to be upset that the crew working my game screwed up a rule. I think you can not be happy with what was happening and still act like an adult at the same time. It didn't sound like they gave out a T in the OP, but he probably got close. If an official screws up a judgment call, tough luck it happens all the time, but if he screws up a rule? That' the time where I think coaches are a little more justified in their complaints.
I don't disagree, but during the game, if he crosses the line, I'm still going to stick him. I'm not going to be operating under the assumption that I'm getting the rule wrong at the time, or I wouldn't be getting it wrong.
Being "livid" seems to me he was close to a T, and I just don't see it. It's one possession, that's it. Worst case scenario, it will mean one less possession for his team that game. It's just as likely (50/50) that the AP possessions will even out over the game.
"Coach, I understand you're frustrated, but you've said your piece and it's time to move on."