Hopefully we're all looking at the same pitcher (red top/white sleeves, black shorts)
Pitcher is starting with pivot foot's heel touching the front of the PP. As the back foot goes forward past the pivot foot, PF goes up on it's ball, breaking contact from that point on. This is during the backswing motion. Caption "All okay."
The caption in picture 4 is "Still doing fine. That heel off the rubber is okay - toe did not go forward, foot just bent."
If that's legal, fine, let me know. But from that point on, she's at least 5-6 inches in front of the PP, and way before any pushoff and slide.
(Draw a straight line down from the gatepost; that's what I'm seeing as the PP.)
Last edited by jmkupka; Wed Feb 04, 2015 at 10:37am.