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Old Tue Feb 03, 2015, 01:40pm
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Originally Posted by VaTerp View Post
Had a situation last night that made me think of this thread, not realizing that it started 8-9 years ago.

Had a GV game last night and for the first time I can ever remember the designated game ball did not even have close to enough pressure. Did the common drop/elbow test and the ball was well short. When holding the ball with two hands and applying pressure with my thumbs I could rather easily indent the ball. I ask for another ball from the guy standing over the cart of ball standing behind the table. He starts feeling all of the balls and I'm surprised that it takes him so long to give me one. The one he ends up handing me is also flat. We get another one. This one too, is underinflated but good enough to go with. The guy jokes that, "we got them from New England."

Toss it up, start the game, and mid way through the 1st quarter I see that the home team has several relatively good perimeter shooters. Several players from both teams hit jump shots that got "shooters rolls."

At this point, I realize that its not an accident that all of the balls are way underinflated. In the end, I didn't care and 99% of the time the issue is with an overinflated ball not the other way around. It was just interesting given all the recent attention to PSI in the NFL. So that's my cool story for the day. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience or something that's risen to the level of an issue.
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