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Old Sat Jan 31, 2015, 11:58pm
Rich1 Rich1 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 276
Not so fast!

I am an advocate for giving the coach a lot of rope to hang himself with.
I am one of those who will request they stop and then tell them to stop.
I am not opposed to the official warning, written or otherwise.
And, on average I give more T's than most refs -- three just this week.

I do not use warnings to avoid T's and if the situation warrants it I go straight to it. Cursing, outbursts, over reaction, and the like are dealt with quickly. But when a coach is constantly chirping or questioning or teetering on crossing the line I may choose to give a warning.

If that's not your thing then I'm ok with that, but it works for some of us and it does not mean we are lesser officials, soft, or afraid to deal with coaches. Often, refs who are in over their heads or who can't keep up with the pace or pressure of the game get frustrated and hit the T way too quickly. We all have different styles and one is not necessarily better than the other.
Its not enough to know the rules and apply them correctly. You must know how to explain it to others!
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