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Old Sat Jan 31, 2015, 12:17pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
If I have to avoid a coach on a basketball court by them being on the court, the only option is me giving them a T. For one it is for my safety as well as the safety of the players that might run into them. I will do everything to tell them to move back, but I am not babysitting. They know the darn rule and we have a rule that is highly expected to be enforced around here. I will be supported just by giving a T if I have to go through all of that drama.

So many courts have no room on the sidelines and the benches are right up against the court -- they just aren't well constructed for 3-person mechanics. If I'm the C, I want to be out of bounds 90% of the time, on the sideline. That's also in the middle of the coaching box. I'm happy to share.

One coach moved me once and I would've been well within my rights to whack him, but I didn't sense anything malicious so I told him that he gets to move me only if I get to move him if I need to. He laughed, I laughed.
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