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Old Mon Jul 14, 2003, 10:16pm
ace ace is offline
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I swear. I thought saturday night was it but OH NOOOO! I'm calling in the girls leage thats co-sponosred by the school district. Well... I showed up ready 20 min before the game. My parenter isnt there.. im thinking great! I can tell how this is gunna go. He finally shows up in Khaki shorts no shirt and believe it or not he managed to scrounge up a whistle from his little girl. He tells me he left his bag at home wife is on the way. Asks for my pregame baord (starting to impress me) We cover qucik stuff and we get ready. Wife shows up halfway through first quater with bag (Can you believe this guy takes his uniform to the cleaners!? - i mean im lazy but not that lazy) so he changes between quaters.. Ok - My shoes are shiny but DANG! I could see myself in his.. Long story short it was a great first game for me in this leauge. Well we had some rules issues come up. Lucky for me I finsied going through the book again roughly af ew weeks ago. So I step in the conversation and straighten the coaches out and my partner is impressed. Well several times I see my new assignor stick his head in and talk to my partner. Never could tell what they were saying. After each game a few ppl approached me and said thanks for calling such a great game. We've never seen anoyne officiate like that and it was great to see it out there tongiht! What games has he been puttin you on? LOLL! The level of play is soo much better in this league. And the coaches know we wont put up with any crap. So the next two games go great. Ones a total blow out that seemed to last forever. And the last game looked more like a NCAA championship game. One coach made the comment, you know i disagreed with you a whole lot tonight but dang,son. you did a great job! I walked out off of that floor thinking Sheesh, is it possible that i've had the close to perfect games in my carrer? I want games like this all tie time! ( too good to be true I know!) Anyway. he says he's gunna be calling me back soon so that is a good sign. My partner said my mechanics were great for my age/expericne. Its amazing what a camp will do for you. I dont ever not referee. I just had way too mcuh fun out there.

(FYI- cought myself with a davism tonight :-/ )
Me: ya know coach everytime you yell at me you breaky my concentration. I cant ever get past one.
(next time down on his end)
me: cmon coach didnt you learn to start counting to yourself in third grade
coach: (grumble) your not calling it because im giving you a hard time.
Coach: thanks ref.
me: just so you know coach, you were right!
coach: huh?
John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.
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