Thu Jan 29, 2015, 02:01pm
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Illinois
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Originally Posted by Knights_Coach
Yes, sir. I coach at the MS level. And I was told this morning by one of the Assistant Executive Directors, that yes, the MS level is where a lot of new refs go learn and get better. Again, I'm not here to bash. For the most part, I don't have a problem with them. It was the "non-call" but if it wasn't for that I would not known how to read the NFHS Rule Book. This situation has made me more aware of the rules whereas in the past I never looked them up. It has become my Bible haha.
One thing that kind of urks me is, I was told by a ref that I can confide in, if I bring out the NFHS Rule Book during the game, expect to be tossed out of the game. So what good does it do me during a game? I've never seen somebody kicked out of court for bringing a Bible or The Constitution in court...get it court? Haha, thanks
You can bring the Constitution to Court…but don't pull it out to tell the Judge he doesn't know what's in it…unless you have a few hours to kill...