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Old Wed Jan 28, 2015, 03:56pm
so cal lurker so cal lurker is offline
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Originally Posted by UpperValley View Post
Having been a scorekeeper for many years, this looks like a forgotten change of the arrow. The OP states team A got the ball to start the third quarter. Assuming no held balls during the third quarter, the arrow should have team B possession. Upon conferring at the end of the quarter, it's discovered that the arrow wasn't changed at the beginning of the quarter, therefore giving B the possession arrow. It happens.

(Agree that you can't have a held ball after the buzzer.)
The OP also says that at the time of the "held ball" the arrow was in favor of A.

But this is all pretty simple:
*If the arrow was properly in the directon of A at the time of the "held ball" that ended Q3, then an error was made.

(But, especailly if it was an MS game, it would hardly be surprising if the table was simply wrong and the arrow was supposed to be for B already.)
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