Originally Posted by kstiles99
...The 7th and 8th grade games are usually fine but the freshman games get ridiculous. I've had to be escorted to my car all three days. This is my first year and I've never had games like these. Every other gym I work at, I get yelled at and I understand it's part of the job and I can deal with it.. but never this bad...
I've had instances where the parents are of a particular mindset as a group and tend to treat officials as punching bags. Kind of a mob mentality that tends to trickle down to the players and coaches. The reality for me is that it is usually in the wealthier suburbs where the parents tend to treat their kids as special and unique. "How dare a mean official come in and tell you that you're committing a foul". I would avoid the school for a season. Theses parents and coaches treat all officials the same. Eventually, your assigner will address it with the school.