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Old Sun Jan 25, 2015, 11:52am
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
I've got a flagrant 1. The reason the player turns his head is cuz his arm is being locked and he's wondering why the hell the official is not seeing it. I think his subsequent action warrants a flagrant 1 because I believe the contact is a result of trying to get his arm loose, not a premeditated action. And yes I know those words are not found in the F2 language. If you want to go F2 then eject the offensive player too for initiating an action which lead to 'fighting'.
There is absolutely no way that the offensive player gets an F2 on this play. At best, his actions rise to the level of common foul. There is no rule set that will eject a player for committing a common foul and having the opponent react with an ejectionable action.
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