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Old Thu Jan 22, 2015, 09:45am
BryanV21 BryanV21 is offline
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Originally Posted by luvhoops View Post
I agree with everyone, lol. Yes, could go either way.

The player CHOSE to dunk the ball going in a forward motion and then hung on the rim for safety. It was his choice. He could have dropped in through the hoop with no rim contact. He chose to put himself in that deleterious position so why should the officials allow him to use the "safety" reason for hanging on the rim? Seems a bit strange to reward someone for making a poor decision.
What "reward"? You consider being able to grab the rim a reward?

Dunks are legal. Being able to make sure you don't get hurt is, and should be, legal. So what's the problem? Do you want to make it illegal for a player to dunk the ball while running?
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