Originally posted by wobster
My question is this. How certain do you have to be to over-rule your BU's call. There have been many where I thought the BU was wrong, and the stands exploded, but I wasn't totally sure he was wrong, so I let the call stand. I usually get some comments after the game that I should have over-ruled him, but I am 75 feet away and he is 5. I would have a hard time justifying it unless I was 100% sure.
You DO NOT overturn your partner's call UNLESS he /she asks for your help and for very good reason.
The game would be chaotic if umpires were allowed to simply over-rule one another.
Think of it this way. None of us are perfect and as PU we will miss a pitch. Now as PU would you want your partner the BU overturning your strike or ball call? Answer NO
Same is true on the bases, unless asked do not say anything.
The time for saying something is AFTER the game and it's called a POST game conference, talk etc. It is also done AWAY from EVERYONE. That's where you and your partner can "air things out". Hopefully both you and your partner have attended some training on the 2 person mechanics.
There some literature out explaining the 2 person mechanic but IMO there is nothing like going to a clinic and seeing for yourself.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth