Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
By rule it's the ONLY time we should notify the coaches how many time-outs they have. What is the purpose of doing it any other time? We always say ACs need to know their role and place in the game, so why is it alright for us to intrude on their territory?
This is overstating it. By rule, there is one time we must inform the coach how many time-outs are left. The rules are silent as to whether we should or should not indicate the number remaining in other circumstances.
It's a bad idea but it's not against the rules.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
I do not even go out of my way to tell a coach he is out of timeouts. Most of the time I do not say anything honestly. The coaches already know most of the time anyway and the if the table decides to tell us, I might mention it if I am by their bench. Otherwise, coaches should know or their scorekeeper already tells them.
You should as it's a required duty of an official.