I agree in principal that it would be a balk if you have defined the start of the wind up as the first motion after the pitcher toes the rubber. However I allow the pitcher to toe the rubber, then he can set his glove either at his side, in front or where ever legal, if reasonably soon after he wants to put his hand into the glove to adjust the ball that is allowed. If he wants to then bring his hand together and leave them there that is ok. In other words I allow him some moving around and adjusting until there is a clear point that I can say is the START of his windup phase. You may be looking too hard for a "technical balk". Is he deceving anybody? If you define the start of the windup "too early" in his post toe on rubber movements, I would think a balk would almost always be certain. There is little room for deception here any way as we can assume there is at least an R3 with the pitcher doing a windup. I think the answer to this question lies in where you are defining the "start of the windup phase". Also remember for any balk the intent of the rule is to prevent pitchers attempting to decieve runners. I'm not lazy but I don't look too hard for reasons to call balk.