Ever have one of those days where you were seeing things to well?? I know the old adage of if it looks like an out.... Well there I was,
Play 1 runner going from 1st to third on a hit. Throw from center is caught by F5 just to the outfiled side of the bag. Runner slides in about same time and hit bag just before F5 tags the foot. Safe I call. (Def coach says I missed it)
Play 2, same team on defense runners on 1st and 2nd. Bouncer back to pitcher. He briefly looks at first then turns to 3rd and throws F5 is straddling the bag to where I can see dirt between his feet and the bag on both sides of the bag. Runner slides in and F5 tried to tag as well albeit late. Safe I call. (2 for 2 per Def coach)
Play 3 team now on offense runner on 1st, base hit. runner tries for 3rd is meat but coach hollers he slid under it. Nope I say. 3 for 3
Play 4 same team again on offense. Runner on first stealing on a pitch out. Catch make throw to second and runner is a little ahead of throw but runners foot on slide is about 3-4 inches above the bag when tagged. He's out I called.. Coach is now ballistic.. 4 for 4.
Such a fun day!
Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.