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Old Fri Jan 16, 2015, 01:26pm
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by so cal lurker View Post
Interesting -- I'd missed that change. So the NBA creates a turnover for an excessive TO, but not for an unsporting T.
They don't want a team being able to benefit, even at the expense of giving up a potential point...for their lack of proper timeout management.

And VaTerp is also correct...a team advances the ball to the 28 foot mark...not halfcourt...a 19 foot difference!
Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, given a chance to climb, they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. Illusions.

Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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