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Old Sat Jul 12, 2003, 09:43am
Warren Willson Warren Willson is offline
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Posts: 561
Originally posted by thumpferee
I've always made a call as BU based on what I saw and go with my first instinct. I figured if there was a pulled foot or a tag/no tag, I could always go to my partner and change the call if warranted. I was told this wasn't the correct mechanic.

From my understanding of the mechanic is, if there is a question on a pulled foot or swipe tag, the BU should point to his partner for him to make the call. Just hope your partner is on it.

Just to cause some contraversy, IMO, I don't agree with that mechanic.

What happens if your partner is getting the bat out of the way, or was watching action at third, or just wasn't looking?

You pointing to him meaning you are not sure, he shrugs his shoulders, the call at first is now a guess.

Looking forward to your comments.
Check the recent thread on PULLED FOOT MECHANIC AND TIMING for a detailed discussion of that mechanic. There isn't much difference for the swipe tag.

Basically, you should only go to your partner for help BEFORE you've made a call IF you are in doubt as to whether the fielder held the base or applied a tag. The correct mechanic is to point to your partner and ask
  1. "Bill, did he hold the bag?", or

  2. "Bill, did you see a tag?"
Depending upon the answer then YOU make the call, not your partner. You are getting assistance to make YOUR call, and NOT handing over the call to your partner. If he's not looking, for whatever reason, YOU must make a decision based on what you have or have not seen.
  • Out is better than Safe on the pulled foot, and

  • Safe is better than Out when you have any doubts about the tag.
That way you can argue that you've called only what you actually saw.

Hope this helps.


[Edited by Warren Willson on Jul 12th, 2003 at 09:45 AM]
Warren Willson
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