Thread: Book Situation
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Old Mon Jan 12, 2015, 12:14am
zm1283 zm1283 is offline
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Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
At the moment of the incident, should have been a T for requiring that V40 be added to the scorebook. Or the [disgruntled] coach could have decided not to play V40, thereby not requiring the number to be added and thus avoiding the penalty.

If the scorer made a mistake in transcribing numbers, I feel bad for the coach, but he/she is ultimately responsible for the content of the book, not just the roster he/she turns in. Some officials take the book to the coaches before the game and have them initial or sign their page. I don't do this but I probably should.

On another note, preventative officiating before the game might have helped. If a team member is dressed, even if the coach says he's not playing, I say just have him in the book anyway. More team members in the book is always better than not enough.
Almost everyone else in my area does this, but it's unnecessary so I still don't do it. Just check at the table to make sure they have supplied their roster with starters and you have done your job.
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