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Old Fri Jan 09, 2015, 01:19pm
deecee deecee is offline
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Originally Posted by HokiePaul View Post
I agree with the other posters ... score the goal and set the arrow to Blue.

However, to play devils advocate ... isn't there also a statement in the officials manual about the horn sounding inadvertantly. Don't have my book in front of me but I think it says something like "if the game horn is sounded, either official may recognize it with a whistle and stop any action, even to the extent of declaring that the ball did not become live".

Based on this, could the official recognize the horn, declare that the ball never became live, and award the AP to Blue? I'm guessing I'm missing something because this doesn't seem right, but curious to see what others would say.
How can you "declare" the ball was never live? It was given to the player who inbounded it? There are very specific instances where action may be vacated and this isn't it.

Also like it was said before, the "horn" or "whistle" don't necessarily make the ball dead.
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