Thread: Infield Fly
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Old Wed Jan 07, 2015, 07:13pm
Linknblue Linknblue is offline
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Thanks for the quick replies. I'm with the guys who still call the infield fly rule here as long as an infielder can settle under it and catch the ball with routine effort......and I use my umpiring skills to determine if the fielders are infielders or outfielders. If I think and infielder went to the outfield to play then he's an outfielder.

I'm doing a "Tip of the Week" for our in house umpires and I want to make sure they don't take the stance that an infield fly is determined by geographics (has to be on the infield) rather than infielders fielding the ball within their territory.
Wish I'da umped before I played. What a difference it would'a made!
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