Originally Posted by DaveASA/FED
I'm not trying to answer for Irish, but no that's not correct. Rule 8.2.F.6 tells us they are out if they interfere with a dropped 3rd strike, intentional or not don't have to make any act just have to interfere. Is that fair? Who knows but it's what the rule says!
F. When the batter-runner interferes with:
1. A fielder attempting to field a batted ball.
2. A fielder attempting to throw the ball.
3. A thrown ball while out of the batter’s box.
4. By making contact with a fair batted ball before reaching first base.
5. By discarding their bat in a manner that prevents the defense from making
a play on the ball.
6. (Fast Pitch) A dropped third strike.
No, it's not what the rule says. For a batter runner to interfere with something they have to be committing the rulebook definition of interference. Paraphrasing: "an act the impedes or confuses." If you're definition were right, then all the catcher would have to do is toss the ball into the runner for an out. This is not dodgeball.
Interestingly, though in reading what you posted, I noticed something I hadn't before. The rule for interference with a thrown ball by the batter runner does not apply if the batter runner is in the batters box. Suicide play batter bunts down the first base line poorly (ball goes right to the charging F3). To give the runner more time on the play, the BR remains in the box positioned between where the fielder will get the ball and where the catcher is set up. F3 has to take a few steps out and throw to F2 who is now just late on the tag. Legal play?