Getting hit by a ball is not an act.
This play is NOT the same as a batted ball striking a runner. The rule about that one simply states that if a batted ball strikes a runner (given certain conditions), that runner is out. The D3K rule states that the batter is out if he/she interferes. If they wanted the rulings to be the same, they would have worded it the same.
I equivocate the D3K more closely (although still not identical) with a thrown ball. If a runner is contacted by a thrown ball, it's nothing ... unless they interfere (an active, not passive, verb). Batter (or runner) must DO something to prevent a play from being made. Getting hit by a ball is not an ACT of interference.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike