Gave ball to the wrong team
Boys varsity 3 whistle game. I am at Lead. The Trail official is a veteran and someone I call several games with, but I struggle greatly understanding him when he speaks. He calls a push on "number 23" on a rebound, but I did not hear him say which team. He did not communicate to me whether it was to be White or Blue ball. All players start going the other way and I see number 23 Blue is heading down court to play defense. Figured he was the guilty party. Our 3rd official is heading down court with the players. White steps out to take the ball and everything seems hunky-dory. After the ball is advanced over the centerline I hear a whistle. My partner that had called the push stopped the game to say it should be Blue ball. Oh crap. He first makes sure the official bookkeeper recorded a foul on 23 White, which he had. Then, his plan is to go back to the spot of the throw-in and give Blue the ball. Only problem is, as I understand the rules, he has no authority to do this. After a brief meeting, he decides as R he is making the decision to give Blue the ball.
All this could have been avoided had I taken the time to get a clarification of whose ball it is. All my other evidence (players going down court, 23 is in the game, other partner heading down court, etc.) apparently was misleading. Geez.
So, after seeing the ball already inbounded by the wrong team, I'm saying by rule we should have played on. Am I correct?